AlphaGal Safaris?
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Embarking on an unexpected journey of dietary discovery to avoid allergic reactions was not in my plans. As a serious foodie, the transition faced when diagnosed with Alpha-Gal in July 2023 has been interesting. Leaving behind not only all (mammal) meat products (Bacon! Steak! BBQ!), Dairy (Cheese! Ice Cream!) but also Mammal -free by-products in Beverages (Wine, Beer, Liquor), personal hygiene (Soap, shampoo, Lotion, Vitamins, etc., etc.) was a serious undertaking. Dining out and traveling posed additional restrictions as I was not a true Vegetarian or Vegan – able to eat Eggs, Poultry, and seafood.
Alpha Gal Safaris was developed as a tool to help our clients with AGS experience the remarkable beauty of Africa, with all its unique destinations, wildlife, and culture in a dietary-friendly environment. We work with lodges and camps that provide delicious meals & experiences tailored to your specific dietary needs and for our Adventurers to enjoy the ultimate African Journey.
Sherrie Wenzel, President – Safariline

What is Alpha Gal?
Alpha Gal Syndrome (AGS) is a type of food allergy to mammalian meat, products & by-products caused by a tick bite, the Lone Star Tick in the USA. Alpha Gal Syndrome has been diagnosed in parts of Europe, Australia, Asia, South Africa, South & Central America.
The tick transmits the sugar molecule (galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose or alpha-gal) which triggers an immune reaction and causes severe allergy to red meat foods such as beef, pork, lamb, Venison, Rabbit, etc. Additionally, Mammalian by-products are in an untold number of foods, personal care, household products, pharmaceuticals, and other medical products.
Traveling with Alpha Gal
Our portfolio of tours, lodges, camps, and restaurants are capable of providing the unique dietary requirements necessary for travelers with Alpha Gal Syndrome.

The A.G.S. Diet
A diet that does not contain Alpha Gal- is a quasi-Vegetarian, Ovo-vegetarian/ Pescatarian/ Pollotarian Diet including: